Friday 31 October 2014


Here's a blast from the past!  The GUY FAWKES mask free with WHIZZER & CHIPS #3 back in 1969 (issue dated November 1st, but on sale October 25th), and the NEW Annual currently available at the larger branches of SAINSBURY'S.  The book is priced at £7.99 on the back cover, but is being sold at the specially discounted price of only £3.99 - an absolute bargain for sure.  It contains material from Annuals between 1971 and '85 -and the front cover is sourced from the very first edition, the back cover from the second.  Go on - buy a copy and relive your long lost childhood!

(And remember - the mask doesn't come with the Annual.  I've only included it because it's appropriate for the time of year and I thought you might like to see it.)


  1. Good to see back and hope you'll be blogging full time soon. Hope things went (are going) ok re your domestic issues (been there - nightmare).

    There are also a Best off for Roy of the Rover, Best of 70s Girl stories and Best of Battle (although Battle is by another publisher) available in Sainsbury's all well worth £3.99 (not so sure,they are all worth £7,99) - DCT also have a Best of Topper, and Hotspur Bbooks out (which look good and me ) and some larger stores carry these (I ordered Hotspur direct)- Take care

  2. Kid, good to see you back and relieved you don't have a medical emergency.i can only echo what all the lads said in your Kitya babe post - take as long as you need, hope it all works out for you and we will still be here. I do miss yourposts though - there is a BIG gap here in blog-land!

  3. I'm just waiting to hear when the work is due to begin, McScotty (some time next week, I guess) so I've got a couple of spare days to relax, having just finished my side of things.

    I passed on the Battle, Roy of the Rovers and Bunty books, but bought the Beezer, Topper and Hotspur ones, which (with the exception of Battle and ROTR, which are by Egmont) are Pedigree books, not DCT, 'though obviously licenced by them. Let's hope they do well.



    Thanks for your good wishes, JP. Shouldn't be too long now before I'm blogging away like a good 'un. Hope you're going to check out those Annuals mentioned above. I love the W&C one. Great to see the name back again.

  4. NEW Annual! Fantastic! Thanks for the 'heads-up' Good to see you blogging again sir! ;)

  5. That's good Kid - it'll soon be sorted luckily the weather up here is really mild - its unnatural in late Oct/Nov I was out last night in Glasgow and it was really hot then the heavens opened I got soaked and then it got hotter! - Are the Beezer and Topper both older strips

    ( ps I replied to your Google account email but think I sent it to the wrong addy adding at the end in error (Im not very bright) just in case you think I ignored you

  6. It's well worth having, AJ - oh what memories it brings back. Not having a date on the cover means it can be sold all year long - and again, next year. Hopefully they'll do another one 'though.


    Apparently it was the warmest Hallowe'en since records began (I think), but it sure got wet later. I never got your response, McScotty, so (like you say it must've gone either to the wrong email address - or the Twilight Zone.

    As for the Beezer and Topper Annuals, they're a nice mix of strips - Watkins and perhaps Baxendale in at least one instance each. (I haven't really explored them thoroughly yet.)

  7. Sorry for the delay in answering ( been working on the house for a few days again ). I was only going to get the Beezer and Topper (-" MUSTS!!"), but now you've sold me on W&C as well!
    I'd love them all really, but I need to exercise some restraint!

  8. This year's Beano & Dandy Annuals are worth buying too, JP. £8 for both of them at Sainsbury's.


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