Thursday 2 October 2014


Salma can hardly hide her, er, disappointment.
(I nearly said 'nipple' - oops!)

A slight emergency (if that's not a contradiction in terms) has arisen which will require my full attention for the next few weeks.  Sadly, therefore, with the possible exception of the BABE Of The DAY feature and the odd YouTube link (if even those) , there will be no new posts for the foreseeable future.

Hopefully my regular readers won't abandon me, and will find something in my back catalogue (ooer, missus) to entertain them in the meantime.  It's also unlikely that I'll be able to respond to comments (if there are any) until I return to regular blogging, although I'll check in when I can and publish any in waiting.

See you all when I've attended to business.


  1. Oh dear, hope it all works out, whatever it is...

    I shall patiently await your return, maybe try and remember how to play dominoes again or something.

  2. I hope it's nothing serious,Kid - this is one of my favourite blogs so I'll be checking in every day and I hope you'll be back very soon !!!

  3. I hope it's nothing too serious, Kid. If it is, you have my best wishes.

  4. Look after yourself Kid, hope all is well and you're back sharing more interesting posts when you're able to.

    All the best,

  5. OK. Take care, mate. We'll still be here when you get back :-)

  6. All the best hope it all gets sorted out and its not too serious (again if thats not a contradiction) - Selma's pic should here should help in the meantime - take care

  7. Whatever the problem, I'll be here when you come back. Hope it all works out for you. No need to print this.

  8. Take care and we'l see you when we see you.

  9. I'm experiencing continued technical difficulties. I found my last post on my surviving blog blocked this morning. Perhaps because I remarked on the UK finding £3 billion for war.

  10. Take care pal and we will see you when we see you.

  11. Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Hope to be back blogging in about a fortnight. JP, you said no need to print your comment, so I hope you won't mind that I did. I wanted everyone to see what a nice bloke you are - as are the rest of you. Cheers everybody.

  12. "Can I just have more... Salma...?"

  13. I'll do my best for you, DB. More Salma will doubtless be along before you know it.


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