Monday 29 September 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well now, lookee here - another cataclysmic clutch of colourful comics covers and images from The EXPLOITS Of SPIDER-MAN, published by MARVEL U.K. back in the early '90s.  As related in our first instalment, it took me over 21 years to acquire #5, which seems to be quite rare.  Not only didn't I see it back in '93, but I've only ever seen it available on eBay on two occasions in all the time I've been specifically hunting it.  A BBC children's programme called 'TAKE TWO', hosted by SARAH GREENE, filmed the production of number 5 and broadcast it to the nation (as related in the issue itself), so maybe that accounts for why it was so difficult to get back in the day - perhaps  it sold out with all the heightened awareness that the programme generated, or the free MARY JANE poster was a 'must have' for teenage readers.

Guess I'll never know for sure - not that it matters much now that I finally have the issue (and poster) in my collection.  So join me in celebration of the happy union and paste your peepers on all these pulse-pounding pages.  Just think - a 100 page, full-colour monthly mag for only £1.99 - wouldn't it be great if they could do that now?!

Remember to come back for part four - coming soon!  (Or whenever I find the time to get around to it.)


  1. "Night Thrasher" seriously, that is the name of a hero???

  2. Kid, if you'd seen EOSM #5 on two previous occasions on e-bay why didn't you buy it then - did somebody else nab it or were those other two in poor condition ? I don't like the way it says NUMBER FIVE rather than No.5 or #5.

  3. I think we can all guess how he spends his time, eh, McScotty? And it's not crimefighting.


    CJ, I bought it on the second occasion. The first, it was part of a bunch of five or six comics and I only wanted the one. I offered the guy a good price for the single issue, pointing out that he could sell the rest for more money than he was actually asking. He kept me waiting, then sold them all for £4 to someone else. He made less dosh than he would've if he'd sold #5 to me. (I was offering him about £3 for that one comic.) True, I could just have bought them all and given the rest away, but I was trying to help the guy make more money than he was asking, and avoid having extra issues lying around that I didn't need.

  4. Kid, you're too kind-hearted - I'd have bought the whole lot and discarded (or given away) the ones I didn't want. I vaguely remember Take Two - was that one of those Saturday morning shows like Swap Shop in the '70s ? Sarah Greene's husband was Mike Smith who died recently, he wasn't very old - late fifties at the most I think. That splash page A Bagel With Nova reminds me that I was in Tesco recently and was looking at the bagels they had on sale - I've never eaten a bagel and thought about trying some but then I realised I didn't what to do with them - they looked like donuts so do you slice them open and put something inside ?

  5. I know - I'm a veritable saint (of the Simon Templar sort). Don't think I ever saw Take Two - I was probably too old for Saturday morning telly at that time (or too asleep). I tried a bagel once - okay, nothing great.

  6. I didn't realise that Mark Bagley was drawing Spidey back in '93 - he's not a great artist (especially with with faces), but I think he tells a great story through his art - I bought almost all his (and Stuart Immonen's) 120 plus Ultimate Spider-man run, a very enjoyable title back then.

    Colin - you slice through a bagel and put something on them (I like them as they are chewy and a lotta eating plus relatively healthy - they are savory but you can get various versions cinnamon, cheese and onion (yuk) , fruit etc) nicer toasted with a simple thing like honey and banana, cheese etc great with scramble egg and salmon (or bacon, sausage ) tuna, creamed cheese etc) A nice snack to read a comic with (see how I linked it all up there??))

  7. McScotty, when you said you worked for the government, I didn't realise you meant in the Tax Centre canteen. There you go, CJ, now you can try a bagel as they're meant to be consumed.

  8. Yes, Kid, I shall have to buy a pack now so thanks to Paul for that. The pack I saw in Tesco said something like "you told us you didn't want them sliced so we're not slicing them anymore" - actually I'd have preferred them pre-sliced but perhaps people like them whole or would rather do their own slicing. It'll be another foodstuff I've never tried anyway. Last year I had arctic roll for the first time ever - I remember as a kid seeing arctic roll advertised on TV and it seemed so exotic, a swiss roll with ice-cream in the middle - wow, but when I finally ate one it was a bit "meh" and I didn't rush to buy a second one.

  9. Close..... but the wrong department Kid :)

    In Glasgow in the late 60s early 70s an Artic Roll was seen as a sign of great opulence - that and a Vesta Curry (just add water) and a small cheese cude , piece of tinned pineapple and a silverskin onion on a toothpick and you had "arrived" we were very fancy in my household you know!

  10. Shows what I know - I always thought an Arctic roll was just another company's version of a Swiss roll. I'm such a peasant.

  11. Vesta meals, McScotty? Now you're talking!! I started on beef risottos and paellas and graduated up to chop sueys and chow meins! And I could cook them myself!! Was I ever a great chef, or what? And as for the cocktail sticks - we had them every New Years Eve ( also with a tiny hot dog sausage on the stick ).
    By heck, we comic heads were SO sofistikated!!

  12. When it comes to a chat between culinary gourmets, I'm completely lost. I'd better sit this one out.


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