Tuesday 23 September 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Back when MARVEL U.K. was still Marvel U.K. and not PANINI, they produced a pretty nifty monthly mag called The EXPLOITS Of SPIDER-MAN.  I faithfully bought it from the first issue 'til the LEE/DITKO Spidey stories were discontinued, though I returned in time to purchase the final ish.  One number eluded me, however, that being #5, which left a gap in my collection for a whopping 21 and a half years - until today, that is.

To celebrate finally filling that empty space, I've decided to do a cover and image gallery so that you can re-experience this comic from the '90s, or see for the first time what you missed if you weren't around back then.  Spidey, of course, still appears in his own British mag today (as well as various U.S. ones) so do yourself a favour and pick up a copy for yourself the next time you're in WHS.

As for issue #5 (which you'll see in the third instalment), it's strange to think of all that's changed in the intervening years, and how many friends and family have died since that comic first went on sale.  And now it's part of my collection at last, rolling back Time's cascading curtain to an earlier moment in history - when I was almost half the age I am now, yet seemed to have at least ten times as many years ahead of me than the entire population of planet GALLIFREY in its bustling heyday.  Just where does the time go?

Oops, I'm rambling again.  Never mind - just enjoy the pulse-pounding piccies in all their glory!


  1. That was an excellent and one of Marvel UKs better books since the 70s heyday - great value for money as well with a nice selection of strips from Ditkos version to Sal Buscema, Spidey 2099 etc) - I was a bit taken aback that this book came out 21 years ago certainly didn't seem that long ago to me - wasn't a regular reader but all the issues I bought (and the few I still have) had Ditko in them (one of the better and cheaper ways to read these classics imho) Did they ever reprint any of Romitas strips?

  2. Yeah, McScotty - I'd have said 8 or 9 years ago at the very most - scary, eh? I'm not sure whether they reprinted any Romita - I'll check when I'm scanning some later issues. What I liked about the mag (apart from the Lee/Ditko tales) was the posters of Marvel #1 covers it gave away free. I'll need to decorate my back room so I can hang them. Should only take me another 21 years.

  3. I am really looking forward to following this series. I used to buy this whenever I could find a copy, as I did with the earlier Complete S-M monthly, but I have never seen all the covers of either series.
    In the words of Arnie, " I'll be back! "

  4. I don't have every issue, JP, just the first 29, plus the last issue, #40. However, I'm sure you'll enjoy them.

  5. Nice to see the splash page of one of my favourite Spider-Man stories of the 90s, Spectacular Spider-Man 185, where Spidey goes to Frog-Man's house for dinner. Hilarious stuff from DeMatteis, and Sal Buscema was doing some really great art on the title around that time too.

    This post inspired me to dig out the issue and read it again. Thanks, Kid!

  6. Nae bother, DD. Glad to have inspired you to re-experience a treat from the past.


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