Monday 8 September 2014


Right, action lovers - here's the introduction to GERRY ANDERSON's 1964 TV show, STINGRAY.  The explosion at the beginning was later re-shot in colour, but this is the very first version.


  1. IIRC, Stingray was the first British tv series (not counting news and sports broadcasts) in color, so the opening transition from b/w to color with the Videcolor logo was designed to emphasize the point (and probably freak out the few viewers who had color sets at the time).

  2. Alas, Britt, British viewers wouldn't have known about it. Most people in this country who even had a TV had a black and white one.

  3. Too right! It was 1985 before we got colour!
    Anyway, strange as it may seem, my brother used to be frightened of this theme. When it came to " anything can happen in the next half hour, he was off behind the settee! And yet he was fine with Dr. Who.
    Myself, whenever anything with Simon Cowell comes on, I'm off out that room!

  4. I think it was '74 or '76 before we got a colour TV, JP. I often feel like throwing a shoe through the screen when Louis Spence comes on.

  5. we didn't get a colour TV till the early '80s but my gran had one almost as soon as they were available (so much for "poor" pensioners) and I'd watch her colour set in awe when I visited every Sunday- I especially remember watching Joe 90.

  6. It's funny how Sunday seems to be the day for visiting grandparents, CJ. I think McScotty mentioned once about visiting his on a Sunday, and that's also the day I visited mine. Curiously, having seen repeats of Stingray in colour down through the years (and I've got the DVD boxed set), I now seem to imagine that I remember seeing it in colour originally, which I didn't.


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