Sunday 7 September 2014


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who supplied a script idea, and hope they'll all forgive me for not choosing any of them.  I simply had to go with one I suggested (stole it from somewhere) because I find the word 'bum' funny.  I also hope it won't deter you from joining in these comps in the future.

CJ's two ideas were probably the best, so I'll award him a consolation prize.  If you send me your address, CJ (don't worry, I won't publish it), I'll send you a facsimile of BADTIME BEDTIME STORYBOOK #1 in about a week or so.

Incidentally, I produced the whole strip with a UNI-BALL eye needle micro pen with a fine point, with the exception of the words 'Jinksy' and 'Handsome', which I did with a BEROL black colour pen.  All my drawing and lettering pens are lying in a state of neglect and I couldn't be bothered cleaning them for use.

Maybe I'll even colour it up one day - stay tuned.  (Oh, and look - here it is!  Comments welcome!)


  1. Kid, I hope you won't be offended but I'd rather not be sent a prize but I'm very flattered you liked my two suggestions, I didn't think the first one was all that good to be honest and thought nobody would get it. But this competition was great fun and you should do more - not just a dialogue but also one-liners like that scene of Peter Rabbit and the Daleks from a few months ago.

  2. I knew the same joke as this:-
    Man- don't waste money on breast implants, just rub your cleavage every day with tissue!
    Woman- that'll never work!
    Man- it worked for your @®$€!!

  3. Not offended in the slightest, CJ - it saves me a trip to the post office.


    That'll be what I was dimly remembering when I came up with my version, JP. In fact, now that I come to think of it, Bob Hope told it at the Edinburgh Playhouse on October 13th, 1984.

  4. Anyway, prize or no - prize, congratulations to Col. ( made me chuckle ).
    Kid ( and McScotty ) - nothing about this post, but that link to the steel claw from the other day, well I clicked on the source of the images which led me to the Bronze Age Of Blogs where I discovered the WHOLE story posted in 2 parts! I REALLY recommend you check this piece of UK comic excellence out, even if only for the stunning art of Jesus Blasco!
    I did try to contact McS through G+ to thank him, but I'm not sure how to do it.

    1. I forgot to add that as I have been after this for YEARS now, it is for days like this that I LOVE the internet and comic blogs!!

  5. Hopefully, McScotty will read your comment, JP and take a look at that blog. I'll steal a look too.

  6. Glad as I am to find things on the internet, JP, I'd still buy them if they were released as comics or books. I view digital editions as stop-gaps.

  7. Kid, what's interesting about the finished cartoon is how many words you've got in the speech bubbles - when I was thinking of my dialogue I kept it short as it looked like there wouldn't be much room but you've fitted a lot of words in. By the way, if John Pitt reads this then I'd like to thank him for mentioning the Hunter's Planet of the Apes website in a previous comment as I've been able to re-read all the old POTA stories from the Marvel weekly - he often thanks others for alerting him to certain sites but he did the same for me so thanks, John !

  8. Thar was actually one of the skills I was recognised for in my professional days, CJ - fitting in a lot of words where they didn't look as if they'd fit.

    I'm sure JP appreciates your appreciation.

  9. Hi JP yeah its good link that glad you enjoyed it - I don't really use my google account very often (I only set it up to access this site) and only check it when I remember - there are a few links I have found recently to UK strip (if you don't have them) you may find interesting (including the one below)

    I wish I had that skill to letter as well as you do Kid. I have to admit my writing (and typing)is not great - have things like Richard Staking's Comiccraft fonts killed off hand lettering now?

  10. I think there are still cases where some artists who letter their own strips do so by hand, McScotty, but computer fonts have, in the main, killed off the need for hand lettering. It's also allowed those who couldn't letter by hand to make a career out of lettering (by use of fonts).

  11. COLIN, you are welcome. That's what it's all about - spreading the word & sharing what we discover with like - minded mates. Yeah, it's a BRILLIANT site for old " Ape-ites " like us! I tell everyone about it. If you have any feedback I'm sure Hunter would love to hear it and he always answers emails.
    McSCOTTY : Like yourself, I don't use my G+. I only set it up to set up a blogger account. Thanks for the latest link,, I will be going there next.
    KID : I know it's all over, but I couldn't resist submitting this : -
    1 . Jill - There's a tasty recipe here for pork slow cooked in cider.
    2 . Bill - You should give it to your sister then!
    Jill - Why's that?
    3 . Bill - I'm sure I've heard it said that she loves some pork in cider!!
    Re. Your lettering - it still beats me how to fit " through " in " thru "!!

  12. Oh, you art naughty, JP - pork inside 'er.


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