Sunday 14 September 2014


A couple or so months back, me and my old pal MOONMANDO took a wee jaunt along to Glasgow's BOTANIC GARDENS for a look around.  I did ask if you Criv-ites would like to see the photos, but there were no bites.  However, knowing that you're a shy, retiring bunch who don't want to appear too greedy, I've decided to inflict them on share them with you anyway.


  1. Nice to see these familiar sights, Kid. And since my holiday home to Glasgow is almost up I'm taking a wander down to Byres Road today for a last look round, so I'll probably call in at the Botanic Gardens and Kelvingrove. As I've discovered lots of things might have changed in my home town as the years have gone by, and not always for the better, but there'll always be the green places scattered about the city. Add a bit of sunshine and they can be magic.
    I called into Rouken Glen the other day there and I was thinking how lucky we are to have such a place available to us. Walk into it a couple of hundred yards and it's like you're in a different world, with the sights and sounds of the outside world barely making a dent.

  2. Must be a mix of pleasure and sadness at seeing all your old 'landmarks' again, GB. Pleasure from what's remained the same, sadness at what's different. If you get a chance, have a meal at Una Storia (above the Vodka Wodka bar) in Ashton Lane. Good food, not too expensive, and pleasant surroundings. Have a safe trip home when you go.

  3. Great day out Kid. Always something new to see and hear in Glasgow.

  4. Yes indeedy, Moony. Enjoyed that open day at the guitar shop the last time we were in a couple of weeks back.


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