Monday 29 September 2014


You're looking at a CHERILEA BATMAN figure that I recently bought on eBay and which will shortly be winging its way to me.  It was originally sold (only?) in WOOLWORTH'S at the time of the Bat-craze that swept the country (and maybe even the world) back in the 1960s, and there was also a ROBIN figure.  So powerful is the association of this item with the time and place in which I first purchased my original (one of a few) that I'm overwhelmed with images of the living-room of my old house to such an extent that it seems that I'm still living there.

Remember those little glass-phial HUMBROL paints that Woolworth's also sold?  Because of the waxy surface of the figure, the paint used to chip off very easily, and I used to repaint the Caped Crusader and his crime-fighting chum with those little gloss enamels in an attempt to restore them to their pristine beauty.  Isn't it strange the things that remain in your head after so many years?  Now all I have to do is keep an eye out for a Robin  companion figure.  In the meantime, here's a photo 'borrowed' from SUPER STUFF In The BRONZE AGE Blog which shows the Dynamic Duo together.

Although I remember these figures from childhood, - the colours, their stance, the bases - I don't seem to recall them being so 'distorted', with short, stumpy legs and football-shaped heads.  In my mind, they both seemed to be perfectly proportioned - which just goes to show, I guess, that  no one has an infallible memory - not even me.  Or perhaps such details are beyond the concern of kids and therefore make little impression on their young minds.

Do you remember these figures?  If so, feel free to reminisce to your heart's content in our ever-lovin' Criv-ites comments section.  Who's first?


  1. Mines had the same problem with the paint flaking off, and I think my solution was more-or-less the same as yours, Kid. I think I even went as far as trying to paint the yellow bit around his chest insignia - not very successfully, I might add. Seeing them now, though, they're weird looking little dudes, aren't they?

  2. Not half, GB. I don't recall them being that misshapen, although I do remember the knobbly knees on both of them.

  3. Just wondering, did you ever continue buying that weekly thing that had a different Batmobile with every issue?

  4. I've never seen those figures before but they look absolutely horrible, sorry but they do. I know nostalgia is very important to you, Kid, but surely there are some things you draw the line at ? And how will you restore the face on the top figure - it looks like it's been chewed by somebody's dog.

  5. When I was about 4 or 5 I was in a neighbours house and he had a small Batman figure that I could not stop looking at.
    I never forgot that moment.
    I even shared the memory with my kids.

    I reckon this may be the figure.

    In the second picture,the figures look like they were designed by Paul Pope.

  6. I bought a few of them, BS - only the ones I was interested in.


    CJ, I assume you've either got a tiny computer screen or you never click on the images to enlarge. The only thing wrong with the face is the paint has flaked off in places. Easy enough to restore to a multi-talented individual like me (he said, modestly).


    Oo-er, Baab, now you're showing up my ignorance 'cos I've never heard of Paul Pope. I'll have to Google the name.

  7. Oh the memories - I remember that they were not very detailed but not a poorly cast as this - I had both of these and kept them for some time chipped paint and all - strangely it was the Batman logo base that I remembered when you mentioned these on the recent "Daredevil thread" - I also had Batman and Robin figures where the plastic cloaks lifted off (can't recall if this happen with these) - seeing that model took me right back for a nano second to being a kid - good start to my day thanx.

    Good call from "baab" these do look like Paul Popes version of Batman - (he's a comic artists / writer a bit alternative in his art style Kid hit it big around 2000) although Pope was probably too young to be influenced by these 60s models

  8. Yes, McScotty, the capes come off - in Batman's case, along with his head. I used to attach a black, hollow piece of plastic tubing to both pegs (that fit into the feet) on the red base to make a Batman-shaped ring - like a big plastic knuckle-duster. Ah, happy days.

  9. Kid, I was looking on a tablet screen when I sent that comment and I've just enlarged the image on my laptop screen (you're right - I never click on images to enlarge them) but I still can't see a recognisable face. Rather than paint having flaked off what I see is blue paint smeared all over the bottom half of the face. But I've no doubt you'll make it look a lot better - you should show us the finished result.

  10. Fear not, CJ - I'll be showing it off to the world once I've performed my magical act of restoration.

  11. They both look like they have been dipping into the pharmaceutical goodie bag!

    Holy steroids Batman!


  12. Ken, the Robin figure is almost as fat as Burt Ward is now in real life. And Adam West wishes he was as rounded an actor as his plastic Batman figure.

  13. I don't know how I missed these at the time, but this is the first time I've ever heard of them. Had I spotted them in the 60's I would have snatched them up and pitted ( or Pitt - ed, gettit? ) them against my Cherilea Dalek army!

  14. Ah, who could forget the Cherilea Daleks? Not exactly accurate, but fun toys nonetheless.

  15. I had forgotten all about those Cherilea Dalek's think I had a couple of these , from memory they only vaguely resembled Daleks - My favourites though were the Timpo swoppets ( or was it Tempo?) the more detailed models that you could swap torsos etc (even hats, guns etc) I had 100s of these as a kid from cowboys to ancient Greeks all at pocket money prices (probably all about a fiver each now)

  16. Well, they were recognisably Daleks, but not exactly made from BBC blueprints. They did the Mechanoids too. If I remember rightly, Tempo made pens, Timpo made the figures to which you refer. I reckon a fiver would be optimistic in some cases, McScotty.

  17. Managed to pick several of these up on a market stall a few years back dead cheap and in v.good condition.Still recall my wonderful mum buying my original ones for me in Woolies way back when.

  18. I managed to track down a pair myself a few years back for a very reasonable price. Like you, I recall getting my original ones in Woolworth's. Happy days.

  19. A (very) belated thanks for the link to the SuperStuff blog, Kid. Did you ever post showing your restored Cherilea Batman in his repainted glory?

  20. I did indeed, B, and Robin also. I imagine if you type Cherilea Batman into my blog's search box, it should pop up for you.


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