Monday 15 September 2014


Here's that old London Bus driver with the
amazing voice singing one of his best known hits.
Ladies and gentlemen - MATT MONRO.


  1. Great song and I like the film too but the real Joy Adamson was some kind of minor Austrian aristocrat and was afraid of lions apparently.

  2. I won't hold that against her, CJ - it's probably smart to be afraid of lions.

  3. He was a great guy and always remained very grounded,probably because of his working class background.Just as happy enjoying a game of cards and a curry as a flash night out.

  4. You're bound to like him, Moony, what with him being a bus driver and all. Do you realise he was younger than me when he died? Wow!

  5. I recall Sinatra saying of Matt Munro that he was the "best" singer he had heard- have to say I do like Matt Munro some amazing songs, my favourite being "Walk away" I heard his son on TV a few years ago very similar but like Sinatra Junior just missing that certain something that makes a star.

  6. I know that Sinatra was quite a fan of Monro, McScotty. He was probably the most likely British singer to potentially have a sophisticated, international appeal of a similar kind to Sinatra himself. I've got a boxed set of CDs, but great singer that he was, some of the material is little lacklustre. I do like From Russia With Love, but I'd have liked to have heard Jim Reeves sing it. (As well, not instead of.)

  7. What is amazing about Matt is that despite the hard drinking and heavy smoking ( or maybe because of this ) he should come out with such a mellow voice. My favourite is his version of " Around The World ". My missus loves him, as did her late Dad.


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