Friday 5 September 2014


When is black red?  When the BLACK WIDOW
is portrayed by SCARLETT JOHANNSON.  Yeah, I
know, it's feeble - but it's the best I've got.  So sue me
- or start writing your own ruddy captions.


  1. Shouldn't she have had a Russian accent in The Avengers ? And to think, Kid, she was wandering around Glasgow and you didn't know - doh !!

  2. Who says I didn't know, Col? I was the first person she called. ('Though I won't tell you what she called me.)

  3. At first, I thought she should have had a Russian accent in The Avengers, but then I realized it was a sort of catch-22. I thought her American accent seemed incongruous. But, if she had talked like a stereotypical Eastern European spy ("Look, dahlink! Iss moose and squirrel!"), then I probably would have complained, "Surely the KGB would train its agents to speak English without a trace of a Russian accent."


  4. Good thinking, TC. However, in the comics, her name of Madame Natasha would probably have given the game away anyway. When the Iron Man stories were reprinted in a British comic called Fantastic back in the '60s, her name was changed to Natasia - which, I believe, is actually pronounced Natasha.


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