Tuesday 2 September 2014


INES CUDNA is this babe's name
(sometimes spelt 'Innes'), though I reckon
she could if she really wanted to.  (Little
 Scottish joke there, Crivs - so laugh.)


  1. I remember a little joke on TV once said in Scottish dialect which involved Walt Disney - for the life of me I can't remember it but it ended with "and Walt doesn't" spoken as "and Walt Disney" if you see what I'm babbling about. When I read the novel Trainspotting in 1996 it also had a joke that relied on Scottish dialect to deliver the punchline but it was far too filthy to repeat here. I haven't got a clue who Ines Cudna is so I'll now google her - imagine the looks you'd have got 20 years ago if you said you intended to "google" a young lady !

  2. Ines Cudna is a porn model !!!

  3. What's the difference between Dean Martin and Walt Disney? Dean sings and Walt disnae! Boom Boom.

    Ines a porn model? Surely not? She's sitting beside me so I'll ask her. "Ines, are you a porn model? Yes? Ugh, get out, you filthy midden!"

  4. Reminds me of the time I was at a Fete and the beer tent collapsed.

  5. Hope you still managed to get a beer, DSE.

  6. (Of course, my first response to CJ was only for his benefit. I think Ines is a goddess.)


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