Saturday 13 September 2014


Here's a publicity photo of 'eavenly HONOR
BLACKMAN as PUSSY GALORE.  You're all on
your, er... 'honour' not to snigger now, hear?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kid, re: my previous comment about Kenneth Grahame - I've just bought an e-book of WITW for 71 pence on Google Play so it didn't break the bank even if I don't like it. There was one version costing nearly £30 and that had been reduced from £45 - 45 quid for an e-book !!!!!

  3. CJ, I tend to call most people 'sir' anyway. True enough, some of the women aren't too happy about it, but you can't please everyone. Does your e-book have illustrations?


    She sure is a corker, Joe.

  4. Kid, my e-book of WITW is just the basic text with no illustrations but you can't expect much for 71p I suppose - never mind, it'll be another classic I've finally read. Talking of Pussy Galore - wasn't she supposed to be a lesbian in Ian Fleming's original novel ?

  5. She was - and, in fact, it's slyly hinted at in the movie - until she finally succumbs to Bond's charms, that is.

    As for TWITW, once you're a few chapters in, the magic should begin to take effect.


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