Friday 26 September 2014


A few years back, I'd arranged to meet a young lady named Elizabeth in a Glasgow cafe one afternoon.  We were getting on fine until I called her 'Liz' (as I do another female of the same name whom I know) - "My name is Elizabeth!" she scolded in an irate, frosty, obnoxious manner.  "And my name's outta here - along with the rest of me!" I replied, heading straight for the door.  So, ladies, remember: "Women - know your place!" as HARRY ENFIELD would say.  It goes without saying that the beautiful ELIZABETH TAYLOR would never have spoken to me like that - mainly because she'd never have spoken to me.  Such is life, alas.


  1. Do you think you might have slightly over-reacted there, Kid ? For me Liz's (oops I mean Elizabeth's) best role has to be Cleopatra - that scene where she enters Rome on a giant sphinx pulled by hordes of slaves is pretty awesome. My mother was a lifelong fan of Liz Taylor - she was only 5 months younger than Liz and died about a year before her.

  2. Nope - I think SHE overreacted, CJ. There was a nasty tone in her voice that I didn't like - and besides, I've no time for those who are precious about their names when no insult or rudeness is intended. I get called Gord, Gordie, Gordo, Big G, Kid, etc - I don't have a fit about it and say "My name is Gordon" - as long as it isn't rude I don't care.

  3. Fair enough, Kid - I'm perfectly happy to be called Col (or CJ). Oddly, there were two people who never, EVER called me Col - my parents. Everyone else did/still does but my parents never shortened my name. Even more strangely, my father's name was Andrew but he insisted on being called Andy and yet he once asked me "why do people call you Col ?" - parents, eh ?

  4. Yeah, parents - where would we be without them? (I think that's a self-answering question.)


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