Monday, 18 August 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

JOHN BYRNE did his best, but The THING's solo mag failed to set the comicbook world on fire and fizzled out after 36 issues.  Perhaps if he'd drawn it himself as well as writing it, it may have had a longer run, but there's no guarantee of that.  I continued to buy it from start to finish, but apart from the occasional ish, there was really nothing memorable about the series.  Having said that, it's still worth looking back on as an example of what comics were like back in the early to mid '80s, art-wise.

Anyway, enjoy this glimpse into yesterday and, if you like what you see, be sure to come back for the sixth and final part - coming soon, on this, the finest blog you're ever likely to read - whenever you've absolutely nothing better to read, that is.


  1. I don't like his costume - a leotard and boots, yuk !

  2. Maybe it was so the artist could avoid having to draw all those rocks on his skin, CJ. (I passed on the obvious retort - "Don't wear them then!")

  3. Kid, on the subject of why The Thing only lasted 36 issues - could it be that without the FF and without the interest generated by a new "Two-In-One" partner every month the Thing was - shock, horror - a bit boring ?

  4. Could well be, CJ, but I think it was mainly because the stories were a bit boring anyway - with or without the FF or monthly guest star.


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