Tuesday 19 August 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

No point in padding this post out with pointless preamble that you probably already know, so I'll just let the pulsating piccies speak for themselves.  Worth a thousand words, remember?  Go to it!


  1. That's the first I've ever heard of an "all-new" Ms. Marvel - was she still Carol Danvers ? And whatever happened to this new Ms. Marvel as up until quite recently Ms. Marvel was still wearing her modified costume from 1979 (she's now become Captain Marvel).

  2. The Thing #36 must be one of the comics I've read the most in my life. Around 12/13 years old, I had a kind-of combined terror/fascination with body horror, and repeatedly pored over the silhouettes of the mutating Thing for ages, trying to see some hidden detail in them but feeling uneasy at the same time.

    Many years later I tracked down the rest of the series and found that although the series had some fantastic covers, it was often quite unremarkable, especially in comparison to some of the Marvel Two-In-One material of a few years earlier- MTIO #100 in particular is a bit of a favourite of mine, bought my ratty old copy at a bookstall in the Barras on a sunny morning in the late 80s, and its still going strong!

  3. I think she was, CJ, but I'm not absolutely certain as I haven't read it in nearly 30 years. As for what's happened to the current Ms./Captain Marvel, I don't have a scooby.


    Ah, the Barras - was in there just a few weeks or so back, DD. Yeah, unremarkable (in the main) - that describes it. (The Thing comic, not the Barras.)

  4. Cj, the former Ms Marvel [Carol Danvers, the first and the BEST as far as im concerned] is currently off in deep space in her own book, getting involved with all kinds of outer-soace shenangiagnas [did I spell that right?]
    the second Ms Marvel [Rambeau] was very inferior to me but she currently appears in Mighty Avengers.

  5. Thanks Karl, I knew about Captain Marvel's current space adventures but I haven't read any (she's recently been involved with the Guardians of the Galaxy, I believe). Kid, after a bit of googling I've discovered that this Ms. Marvel was called Sharon Ventura and not long after this she was exposed to cosmic rays and became the She-Thing - who couldn't have been very popular (I assume) or she'd still be around.

  6. Colin, the Ms.Marvel on the covers of Thing 35 and 36 was Sharon Ventura, who later became the 'She-Thing' in the Fantastic Four. I think Carol Danvers was only seen as an occasional guest-star in the X-Men around then.

  7. Ah, of course. Sharon Ventura - I'd forgotten all about her. Nice to see that some people are keeping track of what's going on around here.

  8. Thanks, Dunsade Dave - I'd already googled it but thanks anyway. Kid, see how one thing leads to another - your Thing covers have unwittingly led me to discovering She-Thing who I'd never even heard of before today. All of this was taking place during my 24 year absence from Marvel.

  9. Regarding She-Thing, CJ, you never really missed much. I forget what happened to her.


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