Sunday 31 August 2014


Copyright relevant owner

Okay, so I lied - about being 'true' I mean.  What you're looking at is a fictional account from the TV CENTURY 21 Annual for 1969 about how the 'newspaper' came into being.  It gets its facts wrong from the start, saying that the first edition rolled off the presses on January 27th 2065 - even though its clearly dated January 23rd.  Note also the bit about the periodical being expected to be selling in the same high numbers in ten years as it did initially - though it was highly likely to be showing signs of falling circulation at the time this piece was written.

So, not much truth about it, but interesting nonetheless.  Like to see more from the TV21 Annuals?  Then let me know, pilgrims!


  1. Kid, I only ever had ( and still have ) the first annual, so yes please, feel free to show us ANYTHING from any of the others.

  2. Only TWO of us so far?!?! That is a surprise! We're talking about TV21 here! - Argueably a contender for the BEST UK comic ever!!
    You know if someone offered me every issue of only ONE UK comic, this is the one I would choose!
    And I KNOW that there are many more lovers of the comic out here.

  3. Unfortunately, they don't all read this blog, JP.


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