Saturday 9 August 2014


BUSTER had several good artists in his time, but possibly the best remembered (to those of a certain age) is ANGEL NADAL, who drew the strip from 1962 to '74. This particular page is from an issue dated October 29th, but unfortunately I don't know what year, as it's not noted on the back and I don't have the published comic in my collection to refer to.  (Update:  1966.)

If anyone happens to know the year of publication, or can supply a scan of the printed strip, feel free to say so in the comments section.  Luckily, when I get around to showing my other Buster artwork (a two-pager), I'll be able to show you the actual printed pages.  No, don't thank me - it's all part of the 'job'!

UPDATE:  Thanks to PHILIP CRAWLEY for alerting me to where I could find an image of the published page (, but I've now replaced with it a scan from my own, newly-acquired copy.


  1. I don't have the issue, but it's the one dated 29th October 1966.

  2. Thanks, George. How did you find out?

  3. For what it's worth this link will take you to a (not that great) copy of the printed page.

  4. Thanks, PC. I've given you a mention.

  5. I found the scan at the same place as Philip. :)

  6. I don't know why I didn't think to look there myself. George.

  7. Kid, I recently discovered the BRILLIANT Bustercomic website myself where I found out you can go through 40 years of the weekly page by page! I could spend years in there!!

  8. I was interviewed for it, JP. I think it's still there. Sadly, I don't think the place has been updated in a while, but it is a great site. It's been in my blog list for yonks.


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