Thursday, 7 August 2014


Remember when JAMES BOND jumped across the backs of a row of crocodiles in LIVE & LET DIE?  It was done for real by the owner of the crocodile farm where the scene was shot.  The crocs' legs were weighed down, but their jaws were left untethered.  What you see now are all the attempts by ROSS KANANGA (born HIELMAN) to capture the scene for the 1973 movie starring the saintly ROGER MOORE.


  1. Live And Let Die - great film and great song but I do cringe a bit whenever I hear the line "in this ever changing world in which we live in".

  2. I'd have to check, but I think BJ Arnu may have dispensed with the redundant 'in' throughout her rendition of the song in the movie, CJ.


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