Wednesday 13 August 2014


When ROGER MOORE was playing hard to get for
OCTOPUSSY (no doubt in an attempt to negotiate a higher
salary), actor JAMES BROLIN was screen-tested for the role
of 007.  He may even have been signed up (on the proviso that
big Rog didn't return), but it was not to be.  At the last moment,
Roger signed his name on the dotted line, and JB (that's Brolin,
not BOND) missed out on his big chance.  Anyway, here's
one of Brolin's screen tests so that you can decide for
yourself whether he'd have been any good or not.


  1. There's never been an American James Bond though - Lazenby was Australian and Pierce Brosnan was Irish wasn't he ? Would James Brolin have played him as American - Ian Fleming would have been turning in his grave I think.

  2. American actor Barry Nelson played James (Jimmy) Bond in a TV production of Casino Royale back in the '50s, so there HAS been an American Bond - not in the EON movies 'though. As Bond is British, I assume that Brolin would have played him that way, although whether he'd have sounded British is another matter. It sounds as if he's trying to downplay his own accent in the clip, I think.

  3. This would have been truly a terrible moment in casting history - tantamount to casting Tarzan's chimp cheetah as King Kong!

  4. They should have given the part to me - I'd make a great Bond. One role I'd like to play is Madonna's pants - 'cos it's a part I could get into.

  5. There may have been some talk of casting Lee Marvin or Adam West as Bond in 1967, when Connery quit the first time. Obviously, nothing came of it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were just idle rumors.

  6. Adam West claims that he was considered for the part (perhaps even offered it), but he turned it down because he felt that Bond should be British. Well, whaddya know? A pig just flew past my window.


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