Sunday, 24 August 2014


Copyright relevant owner

If you look closely at the pages on view, you can see that they've been resized, which raises a rather interesting question.  Namely, were they reprinted from - or originally prepared for - a more standard-sized  British weekly, which required adapting them to the somewhat untypical  dimensions of TERRIFIC back in 1967?  Perhaps we'll never know, but don't let it spoil your enjoyment of the final instalment of secret agent DON STARR as he tackles The LIVING DOLLS.

Don returns soon in 'The DRAMA OF DOOM!' 


  1. I would never have spotted that, but now you mention it, they would fit right in in the Valiant or Lion. Not having read all copies of either comic, I don't recall seeing them before Terrific.
    I hope someone out there knows for sure.

  2. It would be nice to know, JP. I may even have known at one time, but if so, I've long since forgotten.


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