Thursday 31 July 2014


For those who enjoyed The FLASHING BLADE in the '70s (which is when I remember it from, though it was first aired on U.K. TV in '69), here's the opening and closing titles to help you relive part of your childhood.  Takes you right back in time, eh?


  1. Yep,listened,sang along,turned it over.

    Actually ,we did not turn it over.We tried to figure out the story but thought they were in the running order.

    We may also have been waiting on something else coming on after it.

    Utterly fantastic theme tune.

  2. I recall nothing but the theme tune (unlike Robinson Crusoe, which I remember very well), so it was either turned over or I paid no attention to it while reading MWOM.

  3. I loved loved loved this theme tune when I was a kid! And I actually watched the show too: lots of badly-dubbed swashbuckling :-)
    There was even a revival of The Flashing Blade in the late '80s... but as a comedy with new "humorous" dialogue over-dubbed, and written by a certain Russell T. Davies...

  4. So - The Flashing Blade, written by The Gay Blade. Wonder what he'd do with Robinson Crusoe or The Singing Ringing Tree?


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