Friday 11 July 2014


Here's Saint ROGER up to some double-0 tricks
again, long before he officially assumed the role.


  1. The Leiter character was always the most confusing part of the Bond films: the way he'd be played by a different actor from film to film. The best, I think, was Jack Lord (in Dr No), who gave Connery a run for his money in the coolness stakes. It's a shame he didn't come back for Goldfinger.

  2. Lord would've reprised the role in Goldfinger, apparently, if he hadn't demanded too much dosh. I actually thought Hedison was good in the role - and he was the only actor to have played him twice until the current guy.

  3. I remember when Roger Moore's final Bond film came out he was reported as saying in the tabloid press that he could only think of one other man, apart from himself, who was still good looking at his age (then 57) - he was a modest fellow was our Roj ! This prompted The Sun to encourage its' older male readers who thought they were good-looking to send in a photo but as far as I can remember no photos were ever published ! By coincidence my father was just two days older than Roger Moore but Sir Rog is still with us as far as I know.

  4. Yup, still going strong(ish) - shame his career seemed to take a nosedive after Bond.

  5. His career didn't just nosedive it completely disappeared - I can't think of a single thing he's been in since A View To A Kill. He was on Radio 4 a couple of years ago and it was a revelation that he was even still alive. I'd say Connery is the definitive Bond but my favourite Bond FILM is probably Moonraker just because of the bonkers sci-fi plot.

  6. Actually, CJ, he's appeared in a few movies since then, but most of them were in supporting roles and not too high profile. Why should he care 'though? He's a millionaire!

  7. When Hedison played Lieter for the second time, he quipped that it would probably become a frequent trivia question among fanboys.

    In the US, though, he is probably better known as Commander Crane, captain of the Seaview. And Lord is better known for the original Hawaii Five-O. Lieter was an on-again, off-again character, and the actors who played him didn't get a chance to make much of an impression.

    My late mother was a fan of Roger Moore as Simon Templar and Pierce Brosnan as Remington Steele, but she said that no one could fill Connery's shoes as Bond.

  8. Your mum's right to a great extent, TC. In as much as the lean, hungry Sean Connery from the early '60s was the perfect Bond at the time, but even by Thunderball, he was starting to get a bit puffy-looking. By Diamonds are forever, he was looking tired of the role - and as I've said before - the role was looking tired of him. Big Rog was the perfect Bond for the '70s, and Pierce was a nice mix of Connery and Moore - whichever the occasion demanded.


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