Thursday 3 July 2014



Here's a limited-edition print that JACK KIRBY did for MARVEL COMICS to celebrate the 50th Birthday of CAPTAIN AMERICA in 1990.  I have to be honest and say that it's not quite JK at his best, but he was near the end of his life at this point, and age and illness had doubtless taken their toll on his artistic talents.  At least the much-maligned Marvel were still trying to put a bit of work Jack's way, though no doubt their critics will claim they were merely trying to exploit him.  Can't win, eh? 


  1. Kid, that doesn't even look like Kirby, but somebody doing a pastiche of Kirby. What a pity but, as you say, he didn't have long left and it's nice that he could keep going almost to the end even if he was long past his great days.

  2. Yeah, like someone with limited ability trying to imitate the great man, but not quite managing it. A pity indeed.

  3. The later work I see from Kirby, like this poster, appear to have been heavily influenced by the inker.

    Rip Off

  4. I think that might be overstating the case, Rip. I'm pretty sure that Kirby's inkers around this time were being as faithful as they could to the pencils. One only has to look at how awkward the Hunger Dogs was (even accounting for the different inkers) to see that the once-natural grace and fluidity in Kirby's art had deserted him.


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