Saturday 26 July 2014


Now here's a blast from the past - the opening titles of FOLLYFOOT, a popular TV series from the '70s.  Nice to see that DESMOND LLEWELYN got a bit of regular work between the JAMES BOND movies.


  1. I thought Gillian Blake (Dora) was such a deep broody female character (and a wee babe) in that show which which was quite original (in a kids show at least) at the time - I wonder whatever happened to her I don't recall seeing her in anything after Follyfoot - That theme tune is one of those people of a certain age will always remember (similar to Robinson Crusoe and Batman etc)

  2. I often wondered what happened to her myself, as, like you, I don't recall ever seeing her in any other programmes. I'll have to Google her. (Now why does that sound naughty?)

  3. I used to love this theme tune! In fact I remember it more than I can remember the actual programme :-)
    The art ( craft? ) of creating a memorable theme tune / title sequence seems to be lost nowadays, unfortunately. I wonder how many of today's feeble offerings will be remembered in another 40 years' time?

  4. Strangely, it's the same for me. I recall the theme, but not much about the programme. I've got a Follyfoot Annual as well, but I've never read it.

  5. yep,listened,sang along,turned it over.

  6. I reckon that's what I must've done.

  7. There are some not so bad theme tunes around today (but I agree not as many as in the past) I think the Teen Titans Go (older series no the new more cartoony one) and original Ben 10 tunes will be remembered fondly

    I think I watched Follyfoot on and off was probably more a girls programme.

  8. I haven't heard those theme tunes you mention, McScotty, but I'm sure there's bound to be a few that are good. None are ever going to beat the ones from our past 'though, because we associate them with our early years.

  9. Teen Titans GO!!!!!!!!

    In the series beast boy sings the theme in a karaoke bar and its great.

    Tokyo episode.

    Its even a good theme in Japanese.

    (I have kids)

  10. I guess I'll have to track it down now, Baab, and give it a listen.


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