Monday 21 July 2014


Here's the beautiful BATGIRL (alias
yummy YVONNE CRAIG) between night-
time patrols around GOTHAM CITY.  It's a
 funny way to do the ironing though, eh? 


  1. I'm hard pressed to find anything about this outstanding photo to get steamed about. It sure puts the starch where it's needed.

    Rip Off

  2. Certainly puts a crease in one's trousers, Rip. I mean ironing, of course.

  3. Kid, I'm afraid I don't know who Yvonne Craig is and I don't know what Batgirl is - is it a TV show ?

  4. Easy - Yvonne is Babs Gordon, alias Bargirl - who is the woman who's giving you waves of pleasure as you look at her photo.

  5. Bargirl - she fights crime while pulling pints ?

  6. Ooer! There's a funny response to that line somewhere, CJ, but I ain't touching it. Batgirl was in the 1966 Batman TV series (as well as the comics).

  7. Yvonne was also in a Star Trek episode ("Whom Gods Destroy") and in the 1967 spy-fi movie "In Like Flint," with James Coburn. In the latter, she played a Russian ballerina, and, judging by her moves in the fight scenes on "Batman," I would assume she had formal training in ballet.

    I remember seeing her on a talk show years ago. She is 5'3" tall, and she quipped that she was relieved when Eartha Kitt (who was 5'4") replaced Julie Newmar (5'11") in the show's last season. "If I'd had a fight scene with Julie, what could I do? Punch her in the knee?"

  8. She also appeared in one of the Man From U.N.C.L.E. cobbled-together 'movies' in scenes specially shot for it. They weren't part of the two TV episodes spliced together.

  9. And she was in "Mars Needs Women," which has become a camp classic, like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and Attack of the 50-Foot Woman."

    Also the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode "Turn Back the Clock" (built around a lot of stock footage from the 1960 version of "The Lost World") and the Wild Wild West episode "The Night of the Grand Emir."

    IMDB lists two Man from UNCLE "movies" (TV episodes cobbled together into a feature) with her: "One Spy Too Many," and "One of Our Spies is Missing." Presumably, one of those was the one with her scenes specifically filmed for it. (I could be mistaken, but I think some of Luciana Paluzzi's scenes in "To Trap a Spy" may have also been filmed for the feature-length version, and were not in the TV episodes. Not sure, though.)

    Yvonne was also in an U.N.C.L.E. episode, "The Brain Killer Affair," in the first season (1964-65). It was in black & white, so I assume it was never included in any of the makeshift movies.


  10. She sure got around, eh, TC?


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