Tuesday 15 July 2014


I've just gotta say - she sure suits those
glasses, dontcha think?  RAQUEL WELCH,
we salute you.  (Schwiiinnnngggg!)


  1. The only other 'Raquel' I can think of was Del Boy's missus. She didn't look like this.

  2. Cool pair of...glasses.

    When I was ten, if you mentioned One Million Years B.C., I would have said, "That's the movie with the great dinosaur scenes." By the time I was a teenager, I would have said, "That's the movie with Raquel Welch and Martine Beswick."

    Now that I'm old, pretty soon, I will probably go back to admiring it for the Harryhausen dinosaurs.

  3. I'm told she had a lovely personality 'though, GB - and made a mean steak and kidney pie.


    Martine Beswick? Another fine-looking cavewoman, TC.

  4. There was a sequel to One Million Years BC called When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth which was the first film I ever saw at the cinema - unfortunately instead of Harryhausen dinosaurs it had lizards pretending to be dinosaurs, very disappointing ! The most memorable thing was that it had a scene of full-frontal nudity, both a man and woman together swimming in a cave pool - this scene has never been repeated even when the film has been shown in the middle of the night. And don't talk to me about Raquel from Only Fools And Horses - that show went on way too long and became more like a soap opera than a comedy. It should have ended when Granddad died - I couldn't stand that irritating Uncle Albert who replaced him.

  5. It did kind of lose it's way a bit towards the end. I didn't mind Albert, but I thought that the other actors were just getting too old-looking. David Jason looked funny when he was young, he just looked old when he was old.

  6. Never saw Only Fools and Horses, and I don't know offhand if it ever aired in the US. Maybe some PBS (Public Broadcasting System) stations carried it.

    A lot of shows just go on too long, and lose their way. I quit watching The Big Bang Theory, Mad About You, Friends, and The Drew Carey Show when they stopped being comedies and turned into soap operas. Somehow I managed to stick with Daria until it ended. The series finale saved it (or, at least, shored it up), but I'm not sure that it was worth suffering through the last two seasons to get there.

  7. BTW, the photo of Raquel Welch is probably from "A Swinging Summer," a beach party movie in which she played a nerd. That was the early 1960's, before she became a major star, so she did not yet have her glamorous bombshell image.

  8. Don't think we got Daria over here, TC - I've never heard of it. Raquel may not yet have been famous in the early '60s, but, to me, she still looks like a glamorous bombshell in the photo. Hubba-hubba!


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