Thursday 17 July 2014


BABE Of The DAY today is beautiful JILL
ST. JOHN.  I could witter on some more about
her, but why bother?  You sure as hell don't click
on these pictures to read what I have to say.


  1. I saw Diamonds Are Forever when I was 10 and I've had a thing for redheads ever since, thanks to Tiffany Case. Mind you, I've had a thing for blondes and brunettes, as well, so it might all be due to that one scene where, aided by wigs, she appears as all three within the space of a few minutes. The fact that she's semi-naked during all this probably had something to do with it as well.

  2. I think what you mean, GB, is that you've had a thing for women ever since - semi-naked or otherwise. Was there ever an ugly Bond girl? (Not counting Rosa Klebb.)

  3. I think that's the example they use in the dictionary for oxymoron, Kid: ugly Bond girl.
    But that Rosa Klebb, eh? What a little minx. And a redhead to boot. She was weill cast as a SPECTRE agent, I thought.

  4. Rosa - be still, my beating heart. Sigh!

  5. Blofeld's mistress in OHMSS was not exactly a hottie, either, but I would assume that she, like Klebb, doesn't count as a Bond "girl."

    Jill reportedly has an IQ of 160+, but I suspect she would have been just as successful and popular if she had been an absolute doofus.

    Her other credits (the ones that might be of particular interest to Crivites) include The Lost World (1960), the Batman TV pilot (1966), and the 1960's spy thriller The Liquidator, with Rod Taylor.

  6. Thanks for the info, TC. I remember her from the Batman pilot, but I'm not sure whether I've seen those two movies or not.


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