Wednesday 2 July 2014


Who needs words to describe a song that speaks for itself?  If you don't enjoy this, you should worry -you're probably dead.


  1. Kid, your taste in music leaves me worrying about you.....

  2. It's obviously a generational thing. I like good music, youngsters today prefer crap. Besides, I have a wide taste in music - from Jim Reeves to Deep Purple, with a whole load of other styles in between. Go on then, Staz, I could do with a laugh - what kind of stuff do you like?

  3. Both kinds... heavy & metal.. :-)

  4. Ah, not a music lover then, eh?

  5. No now, Kid... no need for that :-)

    Probably best to say we agree to disagree, though our tastes do intersect over Deep Purple at least.

  6. Jimmy Cagney on the right, obviously, and … is that a very young 'Buck Cannon' as well?

    That whole 'eternal virgin' image that Doris Day picked up later in her career was unfortunate, as it often detracts from the fact that she was an outstanding singer with a voice that was (and still is) instantly recognisable. When given quality material to perform - not often enough, unfortunately - and paired with a decent arranger, she was one of the best from Hollywood or Broadway - Sinatra himself thought as much, as did plenty of others.

  7. Actually Kid, there is good modern music and with downloaded music you can delete what you don't want. On my tablet I've got six albums and the oldest one is from 2012. I've got two country music albums and I'd never owned a country music album before but downloading is so easy that I give things a try. I also look at the U.S. and UK charts online every week just out of interest. An excellent album is Pure Heroine by Lorde who's only 17 but you'd never believe from listening to her. Sometimes modern stuff can be really good.

  8. Actually, Staz & Col, I like music from the '20s right up to the present day, so, as I said, I've got quite a wide taste. Apart from rap 'though, which really needs that 'c' in front of it.


    Ah, GB - us 'oldies' recognise quality when we hear it, eh? These youngsters don't know they're born. When I think how I fought in the war to...oh, wait a minute - I wasn't in the war. Time for my medication. (And yeah - that's young Buck.)

  9. Great music sir, great taste! I despair when my 12 year old ask for the radio... :(

  10. Thank you. AJ - you're obviously a man of taste and discernment.

  11. Thank you! I used to pride myself on having a varied taste in music, but anything mainstream made in the last 15 years or so just seem to annoy me. I used to think of Youtube as a Worldwide jukebox but now, each time I want to listen to music I like I first have endure an ad for the latest bands!

  12. I never listen to the radio to hear music anyway, I just stick with Radio 4 for the interesting programmes and plays.


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