Monday 9 June 2014


All images copyright their respective owners

THE LIVING DOLLS made its debut in TERRIFIC #3, with the hero of the strip, DON STARR, showing up in #4.  That's all you really need to know as you'll discover anything else of interest as we go along.  Beyond whitening up the pages, I haven't bothered to remove any printer's blemishes, but I may do that later perhaps.  Besides, I know that some readers prefer to see classic strips 'warts and all', so a few ink blots won't matter much.  If you'd like to see further episodes in the series, I'd appreciate you saying so, because it'll take quite a bit of time to scan all the pages and, truth to tell, I'd rather not bother if nobody's all that interested in reading them.

The adventure begins now!  Will we ever see its end?  Up to you, pilgrim - up to you!


  1. Terrific stuff, if you'll pardon the pun. I have a few of these lying around in the Comic Cave (AKA the back bedroom), but I'd love to see more.

  2. And so you shall, Steve, if I get a few more comments of approval. I've added your blog to my blog-list, by the way.

  3. Well I second the request. I am not familiar with this story or the artist, and I 'm a sucker for this old-school kind of comics, even if they 're not drawn by my all time favorites Solano Lopez or Eric Bradbury.


  4. Your vote in favour is duly noted, Javier. Let's hope we get a few more, 'cos I wouldn't mind re-reading the series myself.

  5. Obviously you get my vote. I love getting back any missing parts of my old Power comics. The Marvel stories were easy to replace, the UK strips - not so easy.
    Come on guys, show some support here for Kid's efforts!!

  6. Thanks for the support, JP. Three votes in favour - any advance on three?

  7. Count me in - one would think the'd be calling on Dolmann to handle this case...

  8. Have to admit that I have no memory of most of these comics that you post from this mid-sixties period, so I'm happy just to see them all for the first time.

    Nice to see them writing out the price in full like that as well — NINEPENCE.

  9. Thanks guys - another two votes in favour - we're getting there.

    Good idea about Dolmann, BS - unless he's the baddie in this tale. Nah, couldn't be.


    And that was nine old pennies, GB. I bet that'll confuse future historians.

  10. Kid, I was only a year old when this came out and I've never heard of it but it's always interesting to see this old stuff - your efforts for our entertainment are much appreciated. Oh no, I can hear thunder and lightning again !!

  11. Your vote is noted, Col, and appreciated. (Hey, there's an angry-looking skinhead at my door asking for your address. Says his name's Tom. Chortle.)

    (I'd assumed you were referring to something other than the weather, Col, but I've just learned that England has been experiencing a lot of thunder and lightning recently. You probably wondered what I was prattling on about.)


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