Friday 20 June 2014



Would you believe it?  While all us ancient fogeys forgot the birthday of an old friend, young GEORGE SHIERS over on WACKY COMICS remembered that WHAM! #1 came out 50 years ago this week.  Recognising a good idea for a blog post when I see it, I thought I'd reward George and all fans of ODHAMS PRESS' premier POWER COMIC ('though it didn't become one 'til later) by presenting (in two parts) the complete first ish of LEO BAXENDALE's 'Super BEANO' from June 1964.

So enjoy the first half (almost) of  this super collectors' item classic - and don't forget to come back for Part Two! 

And here's an ad for Wham! leading up to its launch...

...and one as it hit the shops.


  1. Excellent stuff. I loved the Odhams Power Comics as a kid. Good to see them remembered. Looking forward to part 2.

  2. Won't be too long, Steve - maybe tonight or tomorrow.

  3. Thanks for the link, Kid! I've always wanted to read the first issue of Wham, and any other issues for that matter.

  4. Tell you what, when it's 75 years old, I'll maybe post another issue. As for when it's 100 - well, let's wait and see what kind of condition I'm in.

  5. Very interested by the Kelpie strip which is drawn by John Burns. How long did it last? Love to see more of that strip.

    Kind Regards

  6. Kelpie lasted into 1965, but I'm unsure of just how many episodes there were because I've mislaid my book that tells me such info. As for further episodes, I'll see what I can do in the fullness of time.


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