Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Here's and old MILLS BROTHERS favourite
of mine, sung by k.d. lang.  Put your feet up, sit back
and close your tired eyes - you're about to enter a state
 of total relaxation.  Ready?  Right - hit that link!


  1. The Badtime Bedtime Book arrived today, and was removed from the envelope safely, thanks very much!

    What a wonderfully grisly story it is... Nice stamp too, I've stuck it on my cupboard.

  2. Not a bad little facsimile (if I say so myself), don't you think? Glad it arrived safely.

  3. Not bad at all - did you make it yourself? I've never been able to get the hang of double-sided printing.

  4. Yup - that one was a try-out. I reduced the margin between the pages for my own copy, but, after mine, the one I sent you is probably the next best(ish) thing to an original.

  5. Well it's highly appreciated, I'll tell you that much. It's being kept inside the 1982 Monster Fun annual, for safe keeping and (semi-) authenticity.

  6. Those Annual pages will work their magic on it and turn it into a real one, hopefully. (Not had my reality pill today.)


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