Saturday 7 June 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I'm sure I meant to do a post on this ish of DAREDEVIL a while ago and thought I actually had, but I can't find it anywhere on the blog.  Therefore, there's a chance I'm repeating myself here, but this is a comic that's worth it.  I bought this ish in Portsmouth in 1985 and recognised it as a classic from the off!  Great story (by DENNY O'NEIL at his finest) and great art (by DAVID MAZZUCCHELLI), it's an object lesson on how comicbooks should be done.  The plot weaves an incident from the past into the present and is done with such consummate skill that it seems not the slightest bit far-fetched. 

Whenever I look at this comic I can't help but think of my bedsit in Shearer Road in Fratton and a big plate of egg & chips in EVE'S CAFE at the bottom of Albert Road in Southsea.  In fact, I think I'll revisit yesteryear by pouring myself a large glass of milk and re-reading this classic tale one more time.  You must excuse me, but the past beckons and I can never resist its call.

If you don't already have this one in your collection, you really should track down a copy on eBay right away.


  1. I was never much of a Daredevil fan until that Frank Miller run in the early '80s and then lost interest again after he finished. "The past beckons" for me at the moment as I'm well into reading those POTA stories on the Hunter's website - it's amazing how the decades melt away and it all seems like yesterday !!

  2. The Frank Miller seven-issue 'Born Again' run was indeed a belter, Col, but there were also a few single-issue crackers that preceded it. Such a one was #215.


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