Sunday 29 June 2014


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

I suppose I'd better make it a 'hat-trick' and show the third issue of HOOT in my collection - #3, appropriately enough.  So, why did the D.C. THOMSON title only manage to survive a mere 53 issues do you think?  Did the strips fail to tickle readers' funny bones, or was the name simply not inspiring enough?  Any thoughts or theories, leave 'em in the comments section and astound the rest of us with your amazing insight and wisdom.

(I've just noticed that issue #4 also had a free gift - an unusual occurrence - so I'll have to acquire that too.  Hoots, mon!)


UPDATE:  I've now acquired #s 4, 56, giving me seven issues in all (including #10, the Christmas number, which I got back in 1985).  Maybe one day I'll complete the full set.


  1. Actually looks a good comic to me - Was "Hoot" DCTs last new comic (not counting Dandy revamps and extra Beano titles like the monthly etc)

  2. DC Th always struggled to keep FIVE funnies in their sales " A list". Sparkey was the most successful after the big 4 ( a golden birthday next year, along with TV 21!) Nutty and Buddy had fair runs too, but Plug and Hoot not quite so good. Gotta love 'em all though!

  3. As far as I know, it was, McScotty, if you don't count Classics from the Comics, which, of course, was reprint material.


    That's right, JP - TV21 and Sparky came out the same week, both dated January 23rd - 'though, as you know, TV21 was dated a hundred years ahead.


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