Wednesday 4 June 2014


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

At long last we've reached the end of our journey at the side of DOCTOR WHO in his quest on behalf of The DALEKS, on which we commenced over a year ago.  As you'll recall, these cards were made by CADET, a confectionery company who manufactured sweet cigarettes in the mid-1960s for the purpose of luring Britain's impressionable youngsters into the evil habit of smoking by weaning them on candy-flavoured counterfeits until they were old enough to start on the real thing.

As an extra-added bonus I've included one of the two boxes which housed the cards and confectionary, so that your collection is as complete as I can manage.  Just look at that last card - can you imagine such a scene happening in the famous BBC TV SF serial? It's just like the final panel in an IPC BILLY BUNTER comic strip. Of course, the 'real' Daleks would've exterminated the Doc once he'd served his purpose, the naughty but loveable little rascals.

So - that's one journey completed.  Let's see what others await us in future posts and we'll traverse them together!


Read the back of card #49 - "Why was not Dr. Who destroyed?"  What's wrong with "Why was Dr. Who not destroyed?"  These cards read as if a Dalek wrote them (or YODA from STAR WARS).


  1. Am I the only one who thinks this 'Doctor Who' looks like Janus Stark? And if he knew the rays were harmless to 'humans' why did he send all those Daleks against it a few cards back? : )

  2. Janus had a more pointy chin and didn't appear until 4 or 5 years later, but there is a hint of ol' Starkie in the Doc's body language, Andrew. And perhaps he'd only just worked out (or guessed) that the rays were harmless to humans after sending the Daleks against the machine.

  3. For a minute there the thumbnail image of this post reminded me of Tetsuo from Akira (the red cape basically).

  4. I'm not familiar with who that is, Chris, but I'll look it up at some stage.

  5. That's OK, take your time, but it is a classic to some people.

  6. Wilko. I'll get back to you on it.

  7. Well, it's been a great journey. I used to have them all. Now I've got them all back again. Thanks, Kid.

  8. Don't mention it, JP - happy to have been of service.

  9. Got to wonder, though - what did the Daleks actually DO at the banquet??!!

  10. They looked on in amazement as the greedy Doctor scoffed all the food himself, JP. They also wondered why the poison they'd laced it with didn't kill him as they'd planned, little knowing that Dalek poison doesn't work on 'humans' (or Time Lords).

  11. Many thanks indeed for posting up all the images and reverse sides of these cards; 'very much appreciated! This series took my straight back to my (earlier) childhood and the Dalek books (one of the same illustrators for these, I think).
    I very gladly received a complete collection in the post today, bought on ebay!

  12. Lucky man, Starfish. May I enquire what they cost you, if you don't mind revealing such info? It's always good to re-acquire something from one's childhood, isn't it? (Unless it's mumps or measles.)


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