Saturday 21 June 2014


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Ready and eager to embark on the next instalment of TERRIFIC's DON STARR adventure?  Good, 'cos here it is.  I haven't yet located my POWER COMICS INDEX to find out the name of the artist on this series, so, if you know, feel free to share it with your fellow Criv-ites.  As far as I know it wasn't a reprint, but it was certainly prepared for a more traditional sized British comic because it shows evidence of re-sizing to fit Terrific's page dimensions.

However, I'm sure that's neither here nor there and will bother you not a jot.  Enjoy!


  1. I can't actually remember these strips. I think that I must have skipped past them.

  2. Well, JP - the joy of discovery is now yours, and I'll bet it's just as though you're back in 1967, eh?

  3. It sure is! - I used to pick up all 5 Power comics early Sat. afternoon after the 2 hour morning session at the swimming baths. I would always read the Marvel & Batman stories first , then work my way through the rest afterwards. I guess some times there were some strips I never got round to. Which is why it's so good to get them back!

  4. Of course, it could be that with all that Marvel Madness, JP, you read The Living Dolls, but they just didn't make the same impression and you forgot the strip over time.

  5. NOW it's starting to seem familiar!

  6. Helps when you see it in the proper sequence, eh?


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