Sunday 8 June 2014


Images copyright DC COMICS

If ever a comic mag lived up to its name, DYNAMIC CLASSICS #1 was certainly one of them.  Reprinting the noted BATMAN tale from DETECTIVE COMICS #395 (the very first pairing of writer DENNY O'NEIL and esteemed artist NEAL ADAMS on the crime-fighting character), and #437's MANHUNTER strip (artist WALTER SIMONSON's 'breakthrough' story, written by ARCHIE GOODWIN), this issue was intended to be the first of an ongoing series.

Unfortunately however, as far as I can determine, no subsequent issues were forthcoming, and it remains in splendid isolation as the perfect example of a classic comicbook.  This is one that you should Definitely Collect (see what I did there?), so straight on to eBay with you!


  1. The book was cancelled as a result of the "DC Implosion" of 1978.
    You can see the unpublished cover for #2 here...
    and the stoy of the Implosion itself here...

  2. Thanks for that, Britt. I'm off to read those links right now.


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