Sunday 15 June 2014


It would've been nice if actor FRANCIS MATTHEWS could've been as indestructible as his puppet persona CAPTAIN SCARLET, but, alas, 'twas not to be.  Mr. Matthews died today at the age of 86, and, to his family and friends, the world is suddenly a sadder place - as well as to those who grew up watching GERRY ANDERSON's supermarionation programmes on TV.

Today, Spectrum is blue.  A fine actor has returned to 'Cloudbase', but his legacy is surely indestructible.


  1. Sad news indeed. I remember him as Paul Temple in the early 1970s too.
    A sad day for voice actors. We also lost Casey Kasem, best known this side of the Atlantic as the voice of Shaggy on the original "Scooby Doo" series too.

  2. Yes, poor Casey. There's a post about his demise over on Mark Evanier's blog.

  3. I never knew he was Captain Scarlet. I just knew him as Paul Temple and from countless other programmes back in the late 60s and early 70s. He could be suave, but with a bit of a hard edge that made him an interesting actor.

  4. I remember Paul Temple, but not too much about the programme. I'll have to see if there's an episode on YouTube I can watch to remind me what it was all about.

  5. Good actor, sad to hear this news.

  6. Sad indeed, Karl. At least his work lives on.

  7. I did not associate the actor with the good Captain but of course it was him,duh!

    I don't know if Paul Temple was only a radio show or also t.v. but I listen to the radio show on Radio 4extra.
    (I just checked and its a different voice actor.)

    If anyone is interested Its nearly always on along with all the classic comedies,Hancock,Round the Horne,Steptoe and Son and Dads Army,along with a lot of other treats for nostalgia buffs.

    It may only be a digital station though,but easily accessed via the web.

  8. The Paul Temple that Francis starred in was a TV show, Baab, one of the first that the BBC shot in colour. Yeah, Radio 4 Extra (is it still called that, I thought it had changed it's name?) is a nice little channel, sure enough.


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