Thursday 15 May 2014


Chances are a lot of you have already seen this fantastic CGI mini-movie of SUPERMAN Versus The HULK, but for those who haven't, you're really gonna enjoy this combined version of all the separate episodes.  In fact, no doubt you'll enjoy it again even if you have already seen it, 'cos it's absolutely bloody brilliant.  Why am I still yakkin'?  Get viewing!


  1. Ye gods! I wasn't expecting much A couple times I actually sat up and just said "****!"


  2. I'd noticed this on You Tube but no. Never bothered. So, I saw your post and watched. Wow. at least three times I sat ap and said "****!"

  3. Terry, to make up for you having to submit twice because of the comments moderation policy, I've published both your comments. Now we can all admire your manly beard in stereo. (I'm sporting the feeble 'designer stubble' at the moment.)

  4. I love that it's a great tribute to Christopher Reeve - still in my mind the best Superman ever!

  5. Indeed. Unfortunately, it's Chris Reeve from the later movies when he was wearing a wig, not the 1978 movie when he had his own hair.

  6. Brilliant stuff - clever folk these CGI folk - wonder who is actually going to win (gotta be Superman if its the one from the 50s to 70s surely)

  7. I suspect it'll be a draw, McScotty, but time will surely tell. Can't wait to find out.


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