Sunday 11 May 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

See?  Patience is indeed a virtue.  Just when you wondered when the next instalment of our FOOM COVER & IMAGE GALLERY was going to make its appearance, up it pops.  This time around it's an interview with Smilin' STAN LEE (you'd be smiling too, if you had his dosh) and, while some parts may be out of date, Stan's interviews are always worth reading just to see what he's forgotten this time (only kiddin', Stan).  Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking - as if Stan Lee would be reading your blog, Robson.

Anyway, without any further preamble from li'l ol' me, here's what Stan was saying back in 1977.  (Remember - to enlarge, click on image, then click again for optimum size.)


  1. It's just occurred to me - you did some work for must have had an adjective!

    Were you Gallopin' Gordon? Garrulous Gordon?
    Gobsmacked Gordon?

    C'mon, don't be shy now - fill us true believers in!

    B Smith, RFO

  2. I was GLOP. Two other letterers were GLIB (Gary Gilbert) and ZED (Richard Starkings).

  3. And were you ever drawn as one of Tharg's droids?

  4. I think I remember that pic of him on a stool from an early POTA. It really annoyede that he had rolled the comic up! YOU HAVE TO KEEP THEM FLAT!!
    Tsk, tsk, he ought to have known better!

  5. Indeed I was drawn as one of Tharg's droids - for the 1991 2000 A.D. Annual, I think. That pic of Stan comes originally from Fantasy Masterpieces #1, if I recall rightly.

  6. Ah, that was just Jack being bitter, WS. And besides, Stan's got all his own hair (and a receipt to prove it).


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