Saturday 10 May 2014



Just when you thought I'd forgotten, I confound your low expectations of me by presenting Part Five of our (very) occasional series, On The SCENE Presents SUPER HEROES.  This was a 1966 U.S. mag with articles (reprinted from other sources by the same publisher) about various silver-screen serials and movies of popular comicbook long underwear characters.  This time around it's the ol' shield-slinger, CAPTAIN AMERICA himself - except he never had a shield in his 1944 live-action outing.  However, let's not get ahead of ourselves - you can read the full scoop in its proper order below.

See you in Part Six - whenever that might be!


  1. That first picture of CA is probably how he'd really look. That's one really daft thing about the Spider-Man movie - have you seen how detailed and complex his costume is with the webbing design and the mix of red and blue and the eyes etc - how the hell could a teenage boy do all that? If I sew a button on correctly I think I'm a genius !

  2. In politics, Col, you'd be considered a genius for being able to sew on a button. Useless #@*!ers, the lot of 'em!

  3. Talking of politics, Kid, will you be expressing any opinions on Scotland's independence referendum? It's getting closer but so far you've not said a word about this rather momentous issue - it's your right to keep your opinions to yourself of course but you aren't usually shy about saying what you think !

  4. Look at most of the trouble spots in the world, Col. People fighting wars in centuries-old disputes over territory or national identity or whatever. I'm not in favour of anything that divides a common people and puts barriers between them, resulting in a 'them and us' mentality. I'm a British Scot (or a Scottish Brit, whichever you prefer) and I certainly won't be voting for independence. "All for one - and all for ME!!!" (Oops, that last bit came out wrong, but you know what I mean.)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm not partisan, Col - all politicians, regardless of what party they're from, are only out for themselves. They feast on the steak pie of life, then throw crumbs from the pastry to the rest of us. That's enough politics, back to comics.


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