Monday 12 May 2014


Here's the incomparable NAT 'KING' COLE singing
one of his greatest hits - NATURE BOY.  So, dig out the
headphones, put your feet up, and drift off into slumber-
land to the sound of Natty Nat's dulcet tones. 


  1. Nat's voice is like chocolate. It will probably come as no surprise to you that I love all his Christmas songs. There are many different versions of most songd.

  2. I've got his Christmas album myself, JP.

  3. I had a Christmas album of his too, it had "Adeste Fidelis" on it but I gave it away. I remember in 1987 when Rick Astley did a version of "When I Fall In Love" and then the Nat King Cole version was released at the same time and it was a million times better. It really showed the difference between a proper singer and a mediocre one.

  4. Got it on LP with about 12 tracks, then again on CD with about 30 maybe, so probably got all the Christmas tracks he did. I know that The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire) is a different version on the CD than on the LP.


    And if Nat Cole was anything, he was truly a proper singer, CJ. There was a posthumous duet with his daughter a few years ago, but she sounded completely out of tune to me, and I preferred the original version.

  5. Now I'm hungry for chocolate. There's never an Aero around when you want one.


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