Thursday 22 May 2014


For all those who fancied JULIE NEWMAR as CATWOMAN in the 1966 BATMAN TV series (and what red-bloodied male didn't?), MOEBIUS MODELS are planning on releasing this plastic model kit of the divine Miss Newmar, along with various other characters from the show (sold separately).  Personally speaking, I'm torn between Julie and the equally delectable LEE MERIWETHER in the role, but this sure looks like a kit worth having.  Incidentally, this is just one model - extra parts are supplied to give you a choice of versions.

And below is the artwork which will be used for the box.


  1. Oh yes indeedy , they don't make em like that any more (ok Salma may be an exception) Sigh!!!

  2. You're obviously a man of taste and discernment when it comes to women, McScotty. Any other pin-ups?

  3. So many sadly some of them are not the nicest folk so off my list (Tyra Banks etc)- But I do have a wee soft spot for:

    Debbie Harry in the 70s early 80s Michelle Pfeiffer
    Elizabeth Montgomery
    Diane Lane
    Linda Rhonstadt
    Heather Locklear
    Jane Seymour
    Monica Bellucci
    Susan George
    Penelope Cruise

    Think I need to stop now (think unsexy thoughts - white dog poo, cold pizza, Dandy Extreme............,

  4. That'll be Penelope Cruz (pedant that I am). Here's a few of mine, just off the top of my head and in no particular order:

    Jane Russell
    Margaret Nolan
    Caroline Munro
    Madeline Smith
    Valerie Leon
    Heather Thomas
    Helen Slater
    Lynda Carter
    Kelly Brook
    Jill St. John

    And there's loads more. Does this make me a perv, do you think? (Vigorous nodding of many heads in agreement.)

  5. 1 had forgotten all about Caroline Munro she is indeed a lovely looking woman -oh and shame on me for forgetting Madeline Smith - - No it does not make you a pervert, just someone that appreciates attractive woman (unless you get up to no good spying on them etc)

  6. Oo-er! Then I'd better retrieve those mini-spy cameras before someone discovers them. (I was only interested in seeing what kind of wallpaper they had, M'lud - honest.)

  7. My parents took me to see McKennas Gold at the pictures in Paisley in the late sixties and I was thrilled to find that not only was Julie Newmar playing an Apache in it, she also had a brief scene where she was swimming about in the buff; needless to say, I never looked at Catwoman in the same way again.

    I also have fond memories of the Blondie concert at the Glasgow Apollo on Hogmanay 1979. Debbie Harry was at the height of her glamour at that point and she certainly cast a spell on the audience in her little red-and-yellow candy stripe dress. The songs were good, too.

  8. McKenna's Gold, eh? Must keep my eye out for that one, GB. Julie starred on an episode of Columbo once, where she was very fit indeed.

  9. The only problem with the model is that the two cats look like they've just been pinched from somebody's mantelpiece - they could have made them look a bit more realistic !

  10. Col - that's Julie Newmar. Who's lookin' at the cats? (Looks to me they're meant to be ornaments of some kind. Perhaps they tie-in to a TV episode.)

  11. Actually Kid, after I'd made the comment that very thought occurred to me - maybe they were solid gold statues of the Egyptian cat goddess Bast and she was trying to steal them or something. Those life-like models are usually quite pricey aren't they - around £100 or so but if you're a serious collector I suppose that's par for the course and millions of people spend far more than that on a fleeting foreign holiday with nothing to show for it but a few photos.

  12. Col, I imagine this kit will be packaged to look like an 'Aurora' model and will probably sell for around 30-40 dollars or so. It's a plastic model that you assemble yourself, 'though I'm unsure if it's a snap-together or styrene-cement (glue) kit.

  13. Oops, my apologies kid - you did indeed say a plastic model kit in your post, I should have paid more attention. I was thinking of those models made of "polystone" or whatever it's called.

  14. Your right re the price kid, it's a $35 (£18 ish)kit according to this site;

  15. Nae bother, CJ. Do you collect model kits?


    Shops in this country usually charge more than the direct pounds equivalent 'though, McScotty, due to import duties, so it'll probably sell for between 30-35 quid.

  16. No Kid, I don't collect model kits or collect anything but I'm happy enough to let others collect things and I can read about it on their blogs :)

  17. That's certainly a great way of saving space, CJ.

  18. I know this is the Julie CW kit, and they didn't make a Lee CW kit, but I'm sure I remember an Eartha kit?

  19. An Eartha Kitt kit, you might say. I don't know about a model kit, JP, but I seem to remember an articulated figure. Could it be that you're thinking of?

  20. I would assume that the cats in the kit are from the TV episode "The Catwoman's Purr-fect Crime," in which she stole two golden cat statuettes from a museum.

    McKenna's Gold may well be one of the worst westerns ever made, but it did have a cat fight (no pun intended) between Julie and Camilla Sparv. Not that I'm assuming that you'd necessarily be interested in that sort of thing.

    That movie is probably the reason why Eartha Kitt played Catwoman in Batman's final season. That is, Julie was busy doing McKenna's Gold, and did not have time to appear in any TV episodes.

    Yvonne (Batgirl) Craig (who is 5'3") once quipped that she was relieved when Eartha Kitt (who was 5'4") replaced Julie Newmar (5'11"). "If I'd had a fight scene with Julie, what could I have done? Punch her in the knee?"

    My own list of "babes" would be prohibitively long, but a partial list, in no particular order, would include Julie Newmar, Sybil Danning, Hudson Leick, Jane Merrow, Diana Rigg, Alison Carroll, and Eliza Dushku. I like 'em feisty.

  21. I'm quite fond of Sybil (not Basil's wife), Hudson and Diana myself, TC - I'll have to look up the others.

  22. Also, Patty Smyth, Stevie Nicks, Terri Nunn, Allison Iraheta, Susanna Hoffs, Yancy Butler, Suzanna Leigh, Sandahl Bergman, Cynthia Rothrock, Luciana Paluzzi, Senta Berger...

  23. I'm worn out just thinking about them, TC.


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