Sunday 4 May 2014


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For many years, my father used to drive a RELIANT ROBIN.  Everyone's no doubt heard the jokes about them, such as: "What's the difference between a Reliant Robin and a sheep?  It's much less embarrassing being seen getting out the back of a sheep!"  Or: "Did you hear about the bank robbers who used a Reliant Robin as their getaway car?  A passerby managed to get the chassis number and the police traced them to their hideout!"

Anyway, around 30 years ago, I saw the above item and thought it would be ideal for my dad's Reliant Robin.  He never used it, and a good number of years after he died, I discovered it tucked away in a drawer and reclaimed it.  It hangs on the wall of my room as a reminder of a great TV programme and my dad's car - no doubt it'll be a much sought-after collectors' item one day.  It's bound to fetch a fortune - after all, it's only ever had one careful owner.

It also reminds me that, back then, just as Arthur would say, the world was my lobster.  I often find myself wishing that it still was, but it passed me by when I wasn't looking.  Now, if only that lobster had been driving a Reliant Robin, eh?

Oh, for the good old days.


  1. When I was much younger we had a couple of Robins nearby, so they were quite a common sight on our roads, and, apart from giving a little chuckle, we didn't pay too much attention to them. Later on, when a sighting was becoming something of a rarity, when I did see one, it was just another indication that things were changing all about; they seemed to belong to a simpler time and an older Britain—like the old double-decker buses with the open door at the back.

    By coincidence, the Minder song (full version) by Dennis Waterman was on the radio last night at work, and myself and a friend (from Wolverhampton) were reminiscing about the show. Still, to this day, whenever a St Trinians film comes on, or The Bridal Path, or any of those old Britsh comedies that were always on telly when I was young, I'll stop and watch it for George Cole's performance alone.

  2. George Cole - one of Britain's acting treasures, GB. Always gives a great performance. I haven't seen a Reliant Robin or van in years - apart from repeats of Only Fools & Horses. I wonder if they still make them?


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