Friday 2 May 2014


Here's JIM REEVES singing ADIOS AMIGO at
a concert in Oslo, Norway, in 1964.  They sure don't
make singers like this any more, alas.  Enjoy!


  1. That's one thing you forget, Kid, when you're lambasting the present day - there was no internet in the "good old days" so we wouldn't be able to see this clip and you wouldn't be able to show it or write about it ! It was nice though and I haven't heard it before so thanks for that. He's one of that tiny group of artists who achieved a posthumous No.1 hit which didn't rely on sympathy sales to reach the top. After I listened to this song I googled him and though I already knew that July 31st is fifty years since his death I didn't know he was only 40 at the time. I think there are good modern singers as well though. All my albums (six !) are digital downloads and all come from the last two years but it's all good stuff - no hip-hop rubbish or boy bands, I've got some dignity. The ease of downloading has made me quite interested in music again which I haven't been for many years.

  2. Ah, but one thing you forget, CJ, is that just because I 'lambast' certain aspects of the present day, doesn't mean that I'm against everything to do with it. As far as singers go, there are modern singers I enjoy, but, generally-speaking, the majority of current 'artistes' pale in comparison to the greats. In my famously humble opinion, of course.


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