Tuesday 22 April 2014


Characters copyright relevant and respective owners

I first laid eyes on the very first TV CENTURY 21 Annual for 1966 in the CO-OP's KRAZY-KUTS (a shop in my home town) towards the end of 1965.  I got it as a present for the first Christmas in our new home, but because I had initially seen it while still living in our old one, I tend to associate it with both, though more the former than the latter (former in the sequence of that sentence, I mean - not in the actual history of events).

I managed to obtain a replacement for my childhood copy more than 30 years ago, and have since acquired another two, making, er... (where's my fingers?) three copies in all I now possess.  The most recent one I acquired for a mere fiver on eBay - in great condition too - while other sellers were asking up to £75 for the same book, none of them being one whit better than the copy I bought.

He's Sean Connery's twin in this pic, but morphs into a Steve Zodiac clone on the next page (not shown)

I have very fond memories of this Annual, and I remember a couple of my pals also having it way back when, but one thing I realized only recently is that I never bothered reading any of the text stories or features (with, I think, the exception of the one about the VASA) contained within its RON EMBLETON illustrated covers (at least, the front cover was - the back was blank apart from the TV21 logo).

So, unfinished business I thought, and promptly sat down to read them (and all right they were, too).  It may have taken me almost 50 years (48 years and eight months, to be precise), but I've now finally finished reading the Annual I first got as a young boy most of my lifetime away.  Know what?  It feels good to complete something, however long it may have taken me.  One day I may even get 'round to finishing the room I intended to start decorating almost 27 years back.

What's that they say about procrastination?  I'll tell you tomorrow - maybe!

Incidentally, there are quite a few text stories and features in the Annual (as well as picture strips) - these are just some of them.


  1. Strange seeing the cover of that annual with "My favourite Martian" prominent on it as I don't recall seeing this on UK TV (certainly not in Scotland at any rate) In fact I don't think I have ever seen this TV show . I recall the rest, even "Burkes Law" with Gene Barry (who I recall even more vividly from a show called "The Name of the game" that seemed to be on TV all the time -

  2. I first laid eyes on it in my parents' Brian Mills catalogue and got my mother to order it along with the first Dr. Who annual for Xmas. And what a brilliant one it was that year, as I also found The Dalek World AND a Chad Valley projector in my pillow -case!
    I still have all 3 original annuals, but sadly, not the projector.
    To quote a catchphrase, " If Carlsberg made Christmases, they'd probably have made that one!"

  3. I don't think My Favourite Martian ever was shown in Scotland, McScotty. I certainly never saw it and neither has anyone I've ever asked about it. Notice that although Uncle Martin is prominent on the cover, his name appears to have been an afterthought.


    Hold on to those Annuals, JP, they'll be worth a pretty penny - especially that Daleks one. I've got the first Dr Who Annual, but I never acquired it 'til many years later.


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