Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

There's no point hanging around - here's the second part of our MARVEL FLASHBACK cover gallery.  Ten titanic images from 1997 to thrill and amaze you. Got a favourite?  Feel free to share in the comments section.  Personally speaking, I love that DAREDEVIL one by GENE COLAN - it's pure '60s.


  1. I also like the covers by Gil Kane and John Romita (best Spidey artist ever). Kid, you say you've never read these but most of them look quite intriguing - I don't understand why you'd buy something and never read it !

  2. Have you never recorded various TV programmes with the intention of watching them later, then found that you didn't have the time? The amount of comics I was buying back then was humongous, CJ, and I bought a lot of them merely because I could. I read the ones that interested me at the time, and the rest were stacked neatly away.

  3. Actually, I've never recorded a programme I didn't watch later (mainly because I very rarely recorded TV programmes and I haven't owned a video recorder since 2002). I didn't know you were buying huge amounts of comics but that still doesn't explain why you don't read them now. I think you were only buying them for the nice covers, Kid !

  4. I don't see why I'd necessarily be interested in reading them now if I wasn't interested at the time (which is not to say that I never will), but I have things I've bought that I've never even opened or taken out of the bag, and mail I've never opened to see what it's about. I'm a baaaaad boy, and no mistake. And I do tend to buy some mags just for the covers, sure enough.

  5. I can relate to that, Kid, as during the 80's I bought so many comics that I couldn't read all of th either!

  6. And I've still got all my comics from then, JP. Must get around to sorting them out some day.


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