Tuesday 15 April 2014



As I gad about the glorious streets of Glasgow, mingling with ordinary people and bathing in their silent but obvious admiration (egotist?  Nah!), one thought is constantly on my mind: "What can I share with my blog members next!"  Yes, hard as it may be for you to believe, you're never far from my thoughts as I strive to bring you the very best pictorial presentations and nostalgic nick-nacks that my vast and voluminous, captivating collection encompasses.  (Don't you just love awesome alliteration, even when it's mostly redundant?)

Of course, there are times when any old tat will do - but fear not, Crivvies, this isn't one of those occasions.  What you see before you is another half-dozen covers from one of the best-loved periodicals of the 1960s - SMASH!  Perhaps you need to have experienced them first time around to truly appreciate their charm, but for those of you who did, I'm sure you'll be truly grateful to be reunited with these fondly-recalled covers from childhood.  Just make out the cheques to...

Another six coming soon!


  1. Of course, the greatest Smash cover of them all had to be that very first sighting of the ( pink?! ) Hulk back in '66!

  2. Strangely, although the cover was from #1, they started the series with #2.


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