Saturday 26 April 2014


Never one to rest on my laurels, I've decided to strike while the
iron is hot!  And they don't come any hotter than LUIS BERMEJO's
astounding artwork on JOHNNY FUTURE, from the pages of one of
Britain's premier papers for boys in the swinging 1960s - FANTASTIC!
And once again, I'm serving up a big double-helping - seven and a half
pages - of this amazing comic strip to satisfy your appetite for one
of the most fondly remembered superheroes of yesteryear.

And remember - only four more servings to go!


  1. It's going to leave a gap when they're all finished , which you could consider filling with any Phantom Vikings you may have from Champion?( bet I'm the only one who'd like to see these!)

  2. I don't have too many Phantom Viking tales, but I might run Terrific's Don Starr stories, JP.

  3. That would fill in some more gaps for me. Look at Luis's use of panels again! - What an unsung master!

  4. He's not unsung on this blog, JP. I can't sing his praises highly enough - nor can you and his other fans who visit here. I'm sure he's pretty well thought of in general 'though, at least amongst those of a certain age.

  5. What's that old showbiz saying?, "always leave them wanting more". Too bad there won't be any more after these are done. At least you have kept the flame burning for Mr Bermejo by posting all of the JF that there is to post, and, as always - much appreciated! I have a few actual pages of the Animal Man story it shocks me to think that I must have removed from the original mag back in the day. Would never do that again!, but I never thought I'd get to see any more JF - until now.

  6. I consider these posts a stop-gap, PC - until a deluxe, hardcover
    volume (or two) collecting the entire series (with loads of background information) becomes available. I'd certainly buy them.


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