Thursday 10 April 2014


Images copyright DC COMICS

DETECTIVE COMICS #27 is the first of The NEW 52 series that I've actually bothered reading and, for the most part, I actually enjoyed it.  I bought a few early issues of the relaunched titles when they first came out, but after browsing through them, felt less then compelled to devote any serious attention to them.  (And this from a guy who loves comics and wants to read them.)  They just seemed so pretentious - and underwhelming.

However, I liked this issue's cover, so I brought it home from a local Glasgow comicbook store several weeks back and have just got 'round to reading it recently.  The mag celebrates The BATMAN's history and contains 7 stories, the first of which is called - aw, you guessed - "The CASE Of The CHEMICAL SYNDICATE!"  There are several pin-ups from various creators which are worth seeing, so if you're lucky, your local comics shop might yet have an odd copy or two lingering on the shelves.

You know what?  I may even buy #28 & 29, as one of the stories is a three-part tale.  It's a long time since I've felt like that about a modern comic, that's for sure.

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