Sunday, 6 April 2014



From the pages of Britain's FANTASTIC, we now enter the home run in re-presenting the adventures of former MISSING LINK, the incredible JOHNNY FUTURE!  Illustrated by Spanish artist LUIS BERMEJO, the final episode appeared in Fantastic #51, the week before it subsumed ODHAMS' companion POWER COMIC title, TERRIFIC.  A victim of having to make way for MARVEL reprints in the combined weekly, Johnny is nonetheless still fondly-remembered to this very day.  Now you can see why!

Only 12 more episodes to go - don't miss 'em!

Extra Bonus:  Below is a patch that was pasted over the original head on this episode's first page.  That means whoever now owns the art for these pages is missing the 'published' head.  It came into my possession when I acquired the original boards for the subsequent episode nearly 30 years ago.


  1. I have been bookmarking these as you post them.
    I think, if I stare enough at them ,the skills will magically transfer themselves to my fingers.

    Of course it wont, but I wont be wasting any time while I admire the mans artwork.

  2. I meant to add,that is an interesting story of the artwork being in your possession.

    Have you ever made enquiries regarding the owner?

  3. I know who the owner is, Baab - ME.

  4. Thanks for bringing Johnny back Kid, I was beginning to think that I'd be way off in the future before we saw any more of his exploits. I believe that this particular story is just about the longest one they did.
    Great scans too, as always.

  5. No bother, Phil. Glad to hear that you're enjoying reading them.

  6. I meant the story about the patch you acquired along with your purchase of the subsequent story.

  7. I wouldn't even know where to start making enquiries, Baab. I was given my pages by a top man at IPC's Youth Group - it's anybody's guess as to what happened to the episode before mine.


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